
In this section, we'll look at how you can further customize and configure the default layout.

CSS Variables

By default, we provide CSS variables which let you focus on simply setting your brand color. You can set all the variables yourself like so:

  1. First, replace the vars.css import from your docs layout file with your own CSS file:
-   import '@svelteness/kit-docs/client/styles/vars.css';
+   import '$lib/styles/kit-docs.css';
  1. Finally, copy the CSS variables from GitHub and paste them in your kit-docs.css file.


By default, we use the Inter font but you can provide your own like so:

  1. First, remove the fonts folder if you added it during installation:
rm -rf src/fonts
  1. Finally, load your own fonts (see our fonts file for reference) and set the font family CSS variables like so:
	:global(:root) {
		--kd-color-brand: 255 64 0;
		--kd-font-family-sans:  /** Your sans fonts here. *;
		--kd-font-family-mono:  /** Your mono fonts here. *;

Change Directory

By default, the fonts directory is set to src/fonts. You can change the location by setting a new alias like so:

import { resolve } from 'path'

export default {
	resolve: {
		alias: {
			$fonts: resolve(process.cwd(), 'src/fonts'),

Language (I18N)

You can translate any words used in the layout like so:

	const i18n = {
		nav: {
			previous: 'Previous',
			next: 'Next',
			// ...
		// ...

<KitDocsLayout {i18n} />

You can find all our default translations on GitHub.



<!-- Disable the navbar. -->
<KitDocsLayout navbar={false}>
	<slot />

Set the scroll-padding-top CSS variable if you're providing your own navbar so headings are positioned correctly when loading URL's with a hash:

:root {
	/* usually navbar height + some breathing room. */
	scroll-padding-top: 8rem;


	<div slot="navbar-left" />
	<div slot="navbar-right" />
	<div slot="navbar-right-alt" />
	<div slot="navbar-bottom" />
	<!-- Navbar items are inside popover on mobile. -->
	<div slot="navbar-popover-top" />
	<div slot="navbar-popover-middle" />
	<div slot="navbar-popover-options" />
	<div slot="navbar-popover-bottom" />


	/** @type {import('@svelteness/kit-docs').NavbarConfig} */
	const navbar = {
		links: [{ title: 'Documentation', slug: '/docs', match: /\/docs/ }],

<KitDocsLayout {navbar}>
	<slot />


	import { getNavbarContext } from '@svelteness/kit-docs'

	const navbar = getNavbarContext()

	$: links = $navbar.links



	<div slot="sidebar-top" />
	<div slot="sidebar-bottom" />


	/** @type {import('@svelteness/kit-docs').SidebarConfig} */
	const sidebar = {
		links: {
			'First Category': [{ title: 'First Page', slug: '/first-category/first-page' }],
			'Second Category': [
				// ...

<KitDocsLayout {sidebar}>
	<slot />

Simple Links

You can also create a sidebar using shorthand like so:

	/** @type {import('@svelteness/kit-docs').SidebarConfig} */
	const sidebar = {
		baseUrl: '/docs',
		links: {
			'first-category': ['first-page', 'second-page'],
			'second-category': [],
			// ...

The config above will be resolved to this:

const sidebar = {
	links: {
		'First Category': [
			{ title: 'First Page', slug: '/docs/first-category/first-page' },
			{ title: 'Second Page', slug: '/docs/second-category/second-page' },
		'Second Category': [],


See unplugin-icons for how to load and use icons.

	import ExperimentalIcon from '~icons/ri/test-tube-fill'

	/** @type {import('@svelteness/kit-docs').SidebarConfig} */
	const sidebar = {
		links: {
			'First Category': [
					title: 'First Page',
					slug: '/first-category/first-page',
					icons: { before: ExperimentalIcon, after: null },


	import { getSidebarContext } from '@svelteness/kit-docs'

	// All context values are stores (use `$` prefix).
	const { allLinks, activeLink, previousLink, nextLink, activeCategory } = getSidebarContext()



	<div slot="main-top" />
	<div slot="main-bottom" />